Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Today's walk was pretty darn spectacular! :-) My original plan was to go to Sarria vua San Xil, less km and a more direct route. Big climb apparently early in the hike but I was ready for it! However, I was awake early after a freezing night! In fact all 4 of us sharing the room were awake at 3 putting on more layers! It was cold! Up, packed and ready well before 7. The albergue was across a field from the road and cafes,  so I followed some other pilgrims and found the cafe.After fuelling up started to head out. It was dark, no moon or stars, cloudy. Passed by Chris from Ireland and two other fellows waiting for the bus to Sarria. Stopped and chatted until their bus arrived and then started walking further through the village. I actually dawdled! :-) Kept waiting for light! Anyway after a bit, found the crossroads,  and went left. Along a highway, which definitely made walking easier as I could see the white line! There were 5 other pilgrims walking along as well. After awhile it struck me that I was walking along the side of a road which was not in the route that I had planned.Hmmmmmmm.... Started using my flashlight to read the highway signs and realized that I am on the way to Samos, the longer route to Sarria. I was supposed to turn right at the crossroads! Too late now, am not going back so carry on!

Once daylight had arrived, the scenery was amazing. The path along the side of the road was pleasant and veered off into park like areas. At one point, the fellow in front of me stopped and picked something up, his wife joined himand when I approached he held up one of his hiking poles and said kaput! I walked further, stopped to take off my jacket. They asked if I had a needle, I gave them one of my safety pins and he fixed his pole!:-)

A while later a joined Montana and Idaho for a bit, two nice ladies loving their walk. Chatted for a bit and then carried on. Passed through lots of farmland, mini roads sided by high walls, a few villages and like yesterday what seemed to be farm yards. Didn't have to move for cows today, lots of cats and kittens, dogs and occasionally sheep and goats. Walked on and off with a fellow from Germany. We reach Samos and I take his picture with the 6th century monastary in the background! I find a cafe and a coffee, and it is 9:55. Chatted to a fellow from Switzerland that I keep seeing. After a bit of a rest, fuel and adjusting the pack am ready to go.

I walked through the town, stopped and took a picture of the mandatory pilgrim statue and carried on. About 3km or so turned off on a small semi paved road and started to climb! The hill seemed endless. I stopped for a break and pilgrims on horses passed me by. Carried on uphill and then the path changed.It wove along a heavily treed lane, sometimes with walls and sometimes without. Up and down more hills, through small hamlets and then down a couple of steep, rocky paths.  A fellow overtook me and I decided it would be wise to keep him in sight, pretty isolated stretch of probably 6 or km. Anyway, I did and we were in Calvor at 12:30. I was crazy hot! Chatted to 5 folks from Ecuador and a young couple from Denmark. I stopped for coke and water.

Headed out again and then the paths merged with folks from the San Xil route. People and 3km or so from Sarria! See the sign for Sarria, walk through suburbs, find the tourism office and get my directions checked!:-) Walk to the centre of town, the albergue I am looking for is on the other side of the church. Easy! Not! The map does not show hills, more hills, curved roads, more hills and then 60, yup sixty stairs to the street where the church and albergue are located.

Find my bed, chores, food and nap!

My legs are telling me today was long- 26km long! :-)

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