We started off this morning early in the mist and fog. Initially rolling hilks soon changed to steeper and steeper climbs. Beautiful country! We are in the Basque region where the houses are all white washed with usually red trim - tidy tidy!
We walked along country roads, a couple of farm animal trails, through villages and over a river. Made it relatively unscathed to Valecarlos. Then the next13 or so km was a steep climb along a winding twisty road with traffic (including logging trucks). After about 2 km of not too much fun, we decided to stop, take a break and adjust packs and gear. Sandra managed to flag down a fellow from Holland. Funny enough he was on holiday from his job as a travel assist person for an agency in Spain. Anyway, he turned around and came back and asked if we needed a ride. Of course we said YES. rather ride up to 1800 m than walk, no question. We made it to Rosconvalles around 1pm. Found ourselves bed and food. We are all good!
Overall today was good. Tested my hill climbing skills with a full pack and my walking with poles. In fact, we were so engrossed with our walking that we did not even notice when we crossed into Spain. I am happy to be over the "getting here to start walking" part. We have met quite a few folks - from Canada, US, England, Germany, Korea, Holland, Belgium, Spain and France. Am positive I have forgotten a few. Felt compelled to belt out "The Hills are Alive with with the Sound of Music" a bunch of times, but held it together. Perhaps tomorrow! :)
don't hold back on the singing. Should be part of it